PICTURE DAY is Monday, October 9th.
Homecoming is coming up! All classes are encouraged to participate in dress up days!
A few reminders-
Picture day is Oct. 9th. Packets will be sent home soon so please watch for them.
Booster club will have a meeting Wednesday 9/27, at 5:15 in the high school MPR.
Today is the last day to order your new Condon gear! You can order both Demon and Blue Devil spirit wear at the link below!
Shop Now: https://bit.ly/3sypFHf
We are in need of a couple people to help run the clock at the tournament tomorrow afternoon! If you are willing ad want to help out, please Contact Teren Humphrey at thumphrey@ncesd.k12.or.us or stop by the school in the morning at 9:00am.
Come have some fun tonight at the glow in the dark golf tournament tonight? Registration begins at 7:00 and play will behind around 7:45! $25 per person and includes 1 LED ball.
Come join us for a fun night of golf this Thursday, 9/14! Registration begins at 7:00pm, play will start around 7:45pm. $25 per person and includes one LED ball.
Happy First Day of School! We are excited to have everyone back and look forward to a great year! Be sure to order some new fan gear to show your school spirit!
Shop Now: https://bit.ly/3sypFHf
Store Open From: Aug 28 - Sep 11, 2023
Reminder-students will be swimming this week in the afternoon! Please make sure your child has their swim suit to change into and a towel!
Grade school volleyball practice will start next Tuesday, Sept. 5th! Please make sure all athletes are registered online at condon-or.finalforms.com and have an updated physical within the last two years.
We are excited for a new school year to start next week! Please join us Wednesday, September 6th at 5:15 for an open house. The evening will start with a brief meeting about Title 1 followed by staff introductions at 5:30, a review of updates to the student handbook and expectations, and how to check your child’s grades on ParentVUE. You will then have the opportunity to meet your child’s teacher in their classroom to learn about their expectations for the year. Dinner will also be provided. We look forward to seeing you there!
Order your new fan gear for the upcoming year online!
- Shop Now: https://bit.ly/3sypFHf
- Store Open From: Aug 28 - Sep 11, 2023
Today is the last day for the summer program at the grade school! Eduardo has had a great summer and has done a lot of fun projects with the students!
Condon School District is searching for an Instructional Assistant to work full-time at Condon Grade School and Condon High School (approximately 1/2 day at each school). If interested please see this link for the application instructions:
Interviews are scheduled to be held the week of August 28 - September 1, 2023.
This is a full time position with excellent benefits.
Please see the link below for information on school registration, the 23-24 school calendar, athletic schedules, and teacher staffing for this year.
Link: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Hea4PgxA00VOOmFVQraUXT9vze-CV2Y1/edit?usp=sharing&ouid=109906633531659141929&rtpof=true&sd=true
Good luck to our fall sport athletes and coaches starting practice today!
HS cross country, football, volleyball, and GS cross country start Monday, 8/14! All athletes must be registered online, have an updated physical, and paid sports participation and school registration fees in order to practice!
Reminder-All fall sport athletes must be registered online by the first day of practice! Parents need to log into your FinalForms account and add the sports your child will be participating in.
HS Fall sports and GS cross country start next Monday! All athletes must be registered online, paid participation fees, and have an updated physical within the last 2 years.
HS fall sports and GS cross country start August 14th! Students must have an updated physical, pay participation fees, and be registered online at condon-or.finalforms.com in order to practice the first day. Please check your email for more information.