We are having our Scholastic Book Fair this week! Please come check out the awesome selection of books! Not only do the purchases support your student's reading but also our school!
Location: High School Extra Classroom, please enter through north front door.
Times: Monday-Thursday from 4pm-6:30pm and Friday from 8am-11am
We held our school carnival on November 7th. We had a great turnout, and fun was had by all! Thank you to everyone who supported this event. Huge shout out to the students, staff, and parents who helped work the booths, concessions, ticket stands ,and cleaned up! It takes a community to pull these events off and we are thankful ours!
Fourth and fifth grade students met with special guest teacher, Cindy Osterlund, for a full-day Speakeasy workshop in order to practice public speaking. Students learned the art of talking in front of a group and giving a demonstration. Teams selected a kit and put together creative presentations with attention-grabbing introductions, a body, and a conclusion. We learned everything from how to make pipe-cleaner people to how to decorate cookies, and the classes wrapped up with Royal Ice Cream Sundaes! Huge thank you to Mrs. Cindy Osterlund, Mrs. Ann Osterlund, and Mrs. Kayla McIntosh for making this fun day happen for these students!
Tomorrow is the night! Please come join the fun and enjoy a corn dog dinner! We have many fun booths-ducky races, ring toss, fish bowl pong, bingo, and more! We can't wait to see everyone!
In October, Condon high school students went to a College Fair in Redmond, Oregon which provided them the opportunity to speak with over 40 different colleges. It was a great learning experience for students. Arlington also put on a trades fair that our Juniors and Seniors attended. They had a great time and especially enjoyed the welding and operator simulation machines!
Mr. Rob Scott, his wife, and son are always bringing the fun and spirit at the high school! This week we came into the whole school decorated for Halloween. It was an awesome start to our week! Thank you, Rob, Carrie, and Caeson!
K-2nd Grade students went to the Boardman Pumpkin Patch October 16th! Mrs. Wilkins and Ms. Darden did a great job planning the day, HUGE SHOUT OUT to them for everything they did to make it happen! The kids loved the corn pits, corn maze, apple sling shot, haystack, pumpkin picking, and cannon! Thank you also to the parent volunteers who joined them on the trip to make the day run smoothly!
SHOUT OUT to Mrs. Anderson, FFA advisor and teacher, she took 9 high school students to the National FFA Convention! The students had a great time and hearing the stories of their adventures is so rewarding! Check out the Condon FFA Facebook page to see more details about their adventures.
We had homecoming October 7th-October 10th! The students and staff had a great time. The spirit in the building was flowing. The sophomores won the noise parade, the freshman won the door decoration contest, the seniors won the dress up days, the staff won school volleyball, and the seniors won the homecoming assembly. Therefore, the seniors won the overall spirit of the week and were handed the school's spirit trident!
Red Ribbon Week is next week! Check out redribbon.org for more details! We are always excited for some fun dress up days and new learning events/activities!
MARK YOU CALENDAR! The school carnival will be here soon! Hope to see everyone there!
Let's go Demon Dawgs!
Our welding students are creating some awesome projects. Check out this project by Blake Carnine! Great Job, Blake!
Mr. Colby and the 6th grade class worked with Norie Wright and Roger Lathrop from the local Gilliam Soil Water Conservation District and Lizz Blackburn of Oregon Department of Fish for a fun field trip learning day. Lizz is a Fish Biologist from John Day that is studying the impact of bass on the native populations of fish the John Day Basin focusing on 30-mile creek
They spent time catching fish and documenting their catch before tagging and releasing the bass back into the John Day River. The 6th grade class caught a total of 85 bass and were able to weigh, measure, tag (if not tagged already), and document key information to help these organizations continue their research of these fish. What a fun field trip day a couple weeks ago, thanks for everyone who made it happen!
RIGHT NOW....... DON'T MISS all the GREAT treats! Bake Sale at Condon High School, come support our Student Body!
Come join us for the last home high school volleyball game! We will have a bake sale to support high school student body funds. Hope to see everyone there!
SHOUT OUT to the PACT group! Thank you so much for the goodies for staff. We appreciate your support and partnership.
Good afternoon!
Here are some volunteer opportunities coming up for the HS volleyball games.
We would greatly appreciate your help.
Click the link to sign up! https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1mXlBrDIsrVDXohsB1HakW3tpmQtgbTof/edit?gid=1800643631#gid=1800643631
Homecoming Week starts tomorrow!!!! See flyers below for details. We invite everyone to dress up with us. We are excited for a fun week of school spirit!
Last week Mrs. Wilkin's class made homemade applesauce. They cut the apples, taste tested them, graphed which ones they liked best, engaged in some math calculations, learned about the apple life cycle, and how many types of apples there are! It was an exciting time, and all the students loved the apple activities. Some students even said they now prefer warm applesauce! They were so busy having so much fun, they forgot to get pictures! Reach out to Mrs. Wilkins if you want to applesauce recipe!