Fall sports practice starts Monday:
HS VB practice-6:00pm
HS FB practice-5:00pm
GS & HS cross country-9:30am, meet at HS.
All paperwork must be turned in to participate in practice!
High School Football and Volleyball practice starts next Monday 8/16! Condon Ms. Darden or Mr. Colby if you are interested in playing for practice times!
Please read the joint letter sent out from the Superintendents in our region responding to Governor Browns July 29th announcement. The link to letter is https://5il.co/wj2v.
Parents and Community,
Like many Districts in the state, Condon School District was surprised by the recent announcement from Governor Kate Brown regarding the mask mandate. Over the last several months many Districts have been asking for local control, and in June it was announced that public schools would make decisions about COVID-19 protocols and mask mandates in the future. Regardless of whether you believe K-12 students should or shouldn’t wear masks, we are asking that our local communities and Districts be allowed to make these decisions together in a respectful way.
Respectfully Submitted,
Michelle Geer, Superintendent
Condon School District
To see progress on the new grade school project please check our website at https://www.condon.k12.or.us/page/new-grade-school-project.
OSAA Moratorium Week starts tomorrow 7/25 and goes until Saturday 7/31. Athletes are not allowed to use school facilities for any training purposes.
Order your Condon Volleyball gear now at https://www.bsnteamsports.com/shop/conbdvb21
Store closes July 28th!
We had such a great time on the 4th of July. The staff would like to thank K'Lynn and the Chamber of Commerce for honoring us as the Grand Marshals this year.
Don't forget to sign your child up for the sports camp next week! Registration can be found at https://forms.gle/vepZpG6jvG3ARCfJ6
Aerial picture take on June 23rd to show progress of construction.
Summer Sports Camp registration can be found at https://forms.gle/U9XbRpbteHCkuwm57
All unpaid lunch and library fees need to be paid by the last day of school, Thursday, June 10th! High schoolers need to return their laptops as well.
GS Basketball pictures tomorrow morning, order form can be found at https://5il.co/qpw7
The 2021 Graduation Slide Show can be found at the following link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5dBw5k-NVMk
GS Games @ Arlington will be streamed on YouTube
HS Recognition Reception will be live streamed. Link can be found at https://www.condon.k12.or.us/page/live
HS Basketball games @ Ione, Lyle, and South Wasco CANCELLED.
HS games at Sherman CANCELLED due to limited numbers and health of players.
Grade school games will be streamed on nfhsnetwork.com
HS girls basketball @ Ione 6/3 moved to 6:30, updated schedule @ https://5il.co/t6f6